Leadership Structure

The 3-tiered student leadership structure is adopted with reference from
Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Model (Shankman et al, 2015). Developmental
training and opportunities are set in place for each tier.
Tier 1: Leading Self
The first step to leadership is to be a leader to self - aware of his/her
abilities, emotions, attitude and mindset. Every Bukit Viewan will form
a positive self-perception and develop self-control through our 6-year
school programmes such as FTGP lessons, GLOW and VIA. They are also given
opportunities to develop and apply their leadership skills through class
committee appointments.
Tier 2: Leading Peers
Tier 2 Leaders hold appointments and go through trainings specific to
their roles and responsibilities. These student leaders will be empowered
to lead their peers with empathy, effecting positive changes in their respective
Tier 3: Leading School & Community
Tier 3 Leaders hold appointments such as Executive Committee (EXCO) or
Senior Prefects in the Prefectorial Board and are given opportunities and
trainings to hone their leadership skills. They will be the agent of change
to lead the School to effect positive change both in school and the community.