Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) allow students to discover their passions, develop friendships and deepen their sense of belonging to the school and community. Through sustained participation in CCA, students progressively develop CCA-specific knowledge, skills, values and attitudes. Students will also acquire social emotional competencies and the 21st Century Competencies which will help them be better prepared for an increasingly globalised and complex future.
Physical Sports like our Badminton, Football, Netball, Sports Club and Wushu develop character traits and values such as robustness, fair play and team spirit in students. National School Games are platforms of opportunities for our students to learn and strive together, work with and lead one another.
Clubs and Societies like our Art, English Drama, Multimedia (MMC) and Mass-brained Activities (MBA), allow students to explore and extend their interests in wide ranging and specialised areas which may be knowledge-based or skills-based. Students will learn values and strive to grow their mastery in these specialised areas. Opportunities such as participating in competitions allow our students to develop their information, communication and technical skills.
The Visual and Performing Arts like our Angklung and Kulintang Ensemble, Choir, Chinese, Malay and Indian dances instil values in students such as perseverance and a sense of graciousness, promotes their confidence and resilience, as well as develops in them an appreciation for the rich culture and heritage of a multi-racial society. Singapore Youth Festival and community-based performances are platforms of opportunities for our students to showcase their talents.
Uniformed Groups like our Red Cross Youth aim to make good citizens of students by inculcating in them values such as self-reliance, resilience, discipline and a spirit of service to others. Students will get opportunities to learn useful first aid and lifesaving knowledge and skills. Students also actively contribute to the school and community through participation in school activities and local community service projects.